Our Story

Inspiring Space grew from the creativity and experiences of founder Allison Stern. After nearly 20 years at the helm of her own design and manufacturing business, Allison tired of struggling to balance the endless demands of leading, growing and sustaining a thriving company with international reach.

Determined to succeed by expanding her knowledge and leadership skills, she hired a number of business advisors, including an executive coach. This initial experience with coaching launched Allison on a journey of professional — and personal — exploration, which led to a turning point.

Finding the world of coaching, consulting, leadership and facilitation both motivating and compelling, Allison ultimately decided to close her design and manufacturing business and open her own coaching practice.

Her goal: to help other business owners reignite their passion and avoid the burnout she’d experienced by learning new skills and gaining new perspective.

Her method: to transform interpersonal relationships just as she once transformed physical spaces, by fostering a sense of ease, support and freedom — an inspiring inner space — within and between individuals and co-workers, team members and board members.

Inspiring Space has established a track record of helping individuals, teams and organizations meet their goals by acquiring new means of personal growth and positive collaboration.

“The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living.”